Living and Learning “The Rosebank Way”
Mission Statement
At Rosebank School, we provide the highest standard of education for our students. We focus on nurturing the talents and abilities of every one of our students, reflecting our belief that education is about our students becoming confident lifelong learners and caring citizens.
Valuing the Individual, Striving for Excellence - Whaia te iti Kahurangi Ki te tuohu Koe Hiringa te toi Ora
Our vision emphasises how we value every individual student, inquiring deeply into how we can support each of them to strive for excellence in both academic learning and citizenship. Striving for excellence is about supporting our students to be the best they can be in all fields of endeavour.
Term Dates 2025
Term 1
Tuesday 28 January -
Friday 11 April
Term 2
Monday 28 April -
Friday 27 June
Term 3
Monday 14 July -
Friday 19 September
Term 4
Monday 6 October -
Thursday 11 December
43 Frances Street, Balclutha
(opposite South Otago High School)